Geteregechi, J. M. (2023). Investigating undergraduate students’ mathematical reasoning via problem posing. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 1-20. doi:
Geteregechi, J.M.(2023). Characterizing Undergraduate students’ Problem Posing Products and Processes in an Introductory Business Mathematics Course. Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Omaha, Nebraska, USA.
Geteregechi, J.M. (2022). Investigating undergraduate students’ mathematical creativity via problem posing. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mathematical Creativity and Giftedness (MCG 12). pp 186-192. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. doi:
Geteregechi, J.M. (2021). Characterizing undergraduate students’ problem posing products and processes in an Introductory Business mathematics course. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Boston, MA, USA.
Altindis, N., Geteregechi, J.M., & Waswa A. (2021). Networking multiple reasoning perspectives to characterize students’ thinking about quantities and quantitative relationships. Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Boston, MA, USA.
Ogembo, J.O., Geteregechi, J.M. (2018). Influence of language skills on students’ learning and achievement in mathematics in basic education in Kenya. Research Journal of Educational Studies and Review 4 (1), pp. 6-11.
Geteregechi, J.M. (2017). Investigating the role of mathematical problem posing on pre- service teachers’ problem solving processes. Proceedings of the 45th Annual Conference on Research Council on Mathematics Learning. Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA.
Geteregechi, J.M., Miheso-O’Connor, M. K., & Ondigi, S.R. (2015). How does notational competence affect student understanding and performance in mathematics? Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Education, pp. 221-226. Nairobi, Kenya.
Research Talks
Geteregechi, J.M. (2021). Exploring Undergraduate students’ mathematical reasoning via problem posing. Research Talk (Preliminary Report) at the 2021 Mathematical Association of America (MAA) Mathfest Meeting. Virtual (Hopin/Zoom), USA.
Geteregechi, J.M. (2021). Opportunities for mathematical reasoning in Open-source Statistics text- books. Talk at the 5th North Eastern Chapter of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. Virtual (Zoom), New York, USA.
Geteregechi, J.M. (2019). Investigating the nature of student learning in a precalculus course from a mathematical reasoning perspective. Talk at the 3rd North Eastern Chapter of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. York College, New York, USA.
Geteregechi, J.M. (2019). Creative mathematical reasoning among undergraduate students of mathematics. Talk at the 44th Annual New York State Regional Graduate Mathematics Conference. Syracuse, New York, USA.
Geteregechi J.M. (2018). Opportunities for reasoning and proof in Form 2 (Grade 10) Mathematics textbooks in Kenya. Paper presented at the 10th Annual conference of Kenya Scholars and Studies Association (KESSA). Atlanta, Georgia.